
Il ciclo di stampaggio a iniezione dei materiali termoplastici inizia con la fusione del granulo del materiale termoplastico.

Se portati alla propria temperatura di fusione, i materiali termoplastici (Polipropilene, Polietilene, Policarbonati, Metacrilato, Poliammidi - conosciute come nylon, ABS, Poliestere, ecc.) hanno la caratteristica di diventare simili a un liquido molto viscoso, visco-elastico, senza perdere le proprie caratteristiche. 

Il materiale termoplastico fuso viene quindi "iniettato" nelle cavità dello stampo, all’interno della quale si raffredda assumendo la forma dell'impronta/cavità all'interno dello stampo, richiesta dal Cliente. 

  • plant technology injection moulding
  • product technology injection moulding
  • product technology injection moulding

Technology - How It Works


The thermoplastic material is placed inside the "hopper" where, by gravity, it descends inside the "plasticizing cylinder". The "plasticizing screw" enters in rotation in order to transport the granules on its own large thread, up to the front of the plasticizing cylinder, in front of the screw itself. During this phase, called "plasticization", the granular material is completely melted by the heating action of the "electric heating resistors" placed outside the cylinder.


The injection molding cycle of thermoplastic materials starts with the melting of the granule of the thermoplastic material, which occurs at temperatures of the order of 200-250 ° C thanks to which the granule is liquefied.


Each type of thermoplastic material (Polypropylene, Polyethylene, Polycarbonate, Methacrylate, Polyamide 6 - known as nylon, ABS, Polyester, etc.) has the characteristic of becoming a visco-elastic liquid if brought to its melting temperature, without losing its own features. The "mixture" of molten thermoplastic material is then "injected" into the cavities of the mold where it is cooled in the shape required by the customer.


The printed material is inspected in compliance with the control cycle and packed to be transferred to the warehouse.